Pennsylvania Child Welfare Intervention Services (CWIS) Study
Pennsylvania Child Welfare Intervention Services (CWIS) Study
The primary aim of the study is to investigate the effects of involvement with the general protective services (GPS) system on subsequent contact with GPS or CPS and subsequent out-of-home placement; and to assess the effects of post-GPS services on child behavioral health and well-being outcomes. Pennsylvania’s GPS system represents an alternative or differential response to incidents of maltreatment that do not rise to the level of child abuse, as defined by State statute – primarily comprised of non-serious injury and neglect incidents. The study will leverage a range of existing data sources to examine outcomes within and across the child welfare system and other child-serving systems.
Research Team

Christian M. Connell, Ph.D.
The Ken Young Family Professor for Healthy Children, College of Health and Human Development
Director Child Maltreatment Solutions Network