Sep 25, 2013 – Mar 14, 2025
About 260 child advocates from around Pennsylvania gathered at The Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel on the University Park campus on September 25 to promote the expansion of multidisciplinary investigative teams and child advocacy centers. Penn State's Second Annual Conference on Child Protection and Well-Being aimed to provide information and share expertise in developing these teams and centers specifically in counties that do not have these resources.
Oct 29, 2012 – Oct 30, 2012
The Child Sexual Abuse Conference: Traumatic Impact, Prevention, and Intervention brings together an impressive lineup of nationally recognized experts who are gifted in translating the results of research into the language of the layperson. Featured speakers include Elizabeth Smart and Sugar Ray Leonard, whose testimonies will address abuse, recovery, and resiliency. The goals of the conference are to raise awareness, educate, energize, and empower all of us to move forward to better protect children.