Congratulations to Dr. Carlo Panlilio

Child Maltreatment Solutions Network at Penn State

CMSN Faculty Dr. Carlo Panlilio was recently named Editor for theAPSAC Advisor (peer reviewed quarterly news journal for professionals in the field of child abuse and neglect) and APSAC Alert (digital publication of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children).  In this role, Panlilio will be working to increase awareness and involvement of the education system within the Advisor specifically and APSAC broadly given the push for trauma-informed practice in schools and considering that educators make up the majority of mandated reporters (except for the previous year due to COVID shutdown). He hopes to help schools play a bigger role in the partnership with the promotion of child well-being. In addition, his aim is to continue what was started with the Social Justice commentary column that will hopefully institutionalize the reflection of the child welfare field in understanding systemic and institutional racism in the disproportionality of children and families of Color with child welfare.  

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