Biological embedding of early-life experiences: How early-life experiences impact childhood development and can accelerate aging
Biological embedding of early-life experiences: How early-life experiences impact childhood development and can accelerate aging
A project funded by the Sara van Dam Foundation (Roseriet Beijers, Radboud University, Netherlands PI, Shalev Co-I). Its aim is to test early-life factors associated with children’s socio-emotional development, cognition, and pubertal development. This includes biological-embedding mechanisms underlying this link. These research questions are being investigated in the Dutch BIBO-study (Basal Influences on the Baby Development): a prospective study in which 193 mothers and their children are followed from pregnancy until the last assessment at age 10. My lab is conducting all telomere length testing in children at both age 6 and 10.
Research Team

Idan Shalev, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biobehavioral Health
Mark T. Greenberg Early Career Professor for the Study of Children's Health and Development