Anneke Olson

Anneke is a 6th year doctoral student in Human Development and Family Studies at Penn State with plans to defend her doctoral dissertation in June of 2024. While on the T32, Anneke’s mentors were Drs. Chad Shenk (Prevention and Treatment), Sy-Miin Chow (Policy and Administrative Data Systems), and Erika Lunkenheimer (Developmental Processes).
Since completion of her Fellowship in 2022, Anneke has been an author on 4 published manuscripts (1 first author) titled “Child maltreatment, parent-child relationship quality, and parental monitoring in relation to adolescent behavior problems: Disaggregating between and within person effects,” “The Association of Epigenetic Age Acceleration and Depressive and Anxiety Symptom Severity among Children recently exposed to Substantiated Maltreatment,” “Contamination in observational research on child maltreatment: A conceptual and empirical review with implications for future research,” Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Change during Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Results from a Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial,” as well as a co-author on 1 book chapter titled, “Addressing Contamination Bias in Child Maltreatment Research: Innovative Methods for Enhancing Causal Estimates.” She is currently author on 4 manuscripts under review (3 first author). Finally, since completion of her fellowship she has been an author on 11 conference presentations (6 first author) titled “ “Externalizing Behaviors in Relation to Child Maltreatment: A Growth Mixture Modeling Approach,” “Mother-Child and Father-Child Affective, Behavioral, and Coregulation as Developmental Mechanisms Across Early Childhood,” “Epigenetic Age Acceleration and Risk for Depression and Anxiety following Exposure to Substantiated Child Maltreatment,” “Caregiver Child Communication Following Child Maltreatment: A Dynamic Systems Approach,” “Addressing Contamination Bias in Causal Estimates of the Effect of Child Maltreatment on Adolescent Behavior Problems,” “Associations between Child Maltreatment and Externalizing Behaviors across Childhood and Adolescence: A Cross-Lagged Panel Model,” “Validation as a Viable Intervention Target for Promoting Recovery from Early Life Adversity and Managing Chronic Pain,” “Contamination and Its Impact on Causal Estimates in Observational Research with Psychological Outcomes,” “Caregiver Validation and Invalidation in a Child Maltreatment Sample: An Observational Study, ” Propensity Score Methods to Estimate Causal Effects of Child Maltreatment after Controlling Contamination,” and “Cross-Lagged Associations between Maltreatment Exposure and Behavior Problems throughout Childhood and Adolescence.”
In August 2022, she was awarded a NRSA Individual Predoctoral Fellowship titled, “Caregiver-Child Communication Following Child Maltreatment: A Dynamic Systems Approach” through the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD; F31HD110086). In February 2023, was awarded funds from both the Douglas Research Endowment and Joachim Wohlwill Endowment through the Health and Human Development Department. In February 2024, she was awarded funds from the Douglas Research Endowment.