Casey Mullins

Dr. Mullins worked with Drs. Carlomagno Panlilio, Jennie Noll, and Sarah Font while a CMT32. She has continued her role as a post-doctorate associate at the University of Miami working under Dr. Rebecca Shearer for the IDEAS Consortium for Children. She published a paper titled “Does multidimensional self-concept mediate the relationship of childhood sexual abuse and bullying victimization on deliberate self-harm and suicidal ideation among adolescent girls” in Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. She also published a paper titled “Identifying what works for whom: Implementation outcomes following iLookOut, a child abuse identification and referral training program” in a Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. She was part of a panel at the 2024 Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention titled “Trauma and early childhood: Ecological perspectives on children, contexts, and systems.” Additionally, she has two posters under review for the 2024 National Research Conference on Early Childhood titled “Neighborhood indicators and developmental and early school outcomes: A scoping review” and “Examining the role of peer interactions and classroom language environment on Spanish-English DLL children’s language development.”