Catherine Diercks

Dr. Dierks was a predoctoral fellow mentored by Drs. Erika Lunkenheimer (Developmental Processes), Douglas Teti (Prevention & Treatment), and Timothy Brick (Developmental Processes). Catherine earned her PhD in Developmental Psychology in August 2022. The following September, she joined Dr. Lisa Sheeber at the Oregon Research Institute as a Postdoctoral Researcher. Alongside her appointment, she is working on manuscripts with colleagues from both Penn State (titled Maternal Working Memory Buffers Effects of COVID-19 Hardships on Child Mental Health and Parental Regulation Media Use: The Parent Screen-Based Device Use Survey [PSUS]) and the Oregon Research Institute (titled Maternal Aggressive Behavior in Interactions with Adolescent Offspring: Proximal Social-Cognitive Predictors in Depressed and Non-Depressed Mothers). These three manuscripts are being revised for publication. Catherine is also a co-author on a number of presentations with Penn State colleagues at the Society for Research in Child Development in March. In February 2024, she began a new position as a Research Associate in WestEd's Research-Practice Partnerships area. WestEd is a SF-based research, development, and service agency focused on advancing students' educational opportunities with a focus on equity.