Lindsey Palmer

Dr. Palmer is an Assistant Professor at the University of Utah College of Social Work. During the T32 her mentors were Sarah Font and Jennie Noll. Since completing the T32 Lindsey published two first authored papers (submitted during the T32) and 5 co-authored papers. The first authored papers included A longitudinal analysis of concerning psychotropic medication use among adolescents in foster care and Lifetime rates and types of subsequent child protection system contact following a first report of neglect: An age stratified analysis. Most recently, Lindsey has co-authored 4 published papers in 2024 including 1 with her primary mentor, Sarah Font. Lindsey also has 4 manuscripts currently under review, 2 of which she is co-authoring with her primary mentor, Sarah Font. Lindsey also presented her work at The Society for Social Work Research conference and the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect conference. Lindsey received the UC Berkeley Transition Aged Youth Research and Evaluation Hub grant, which she applied for during the T32. Recently she applied for the Institutes for Research on Poverty extramural grant.