Tenesha Littleton

Dr. Brown is an Assistant Professor, MSW Program at The University of Alabama. She has multiple papers published which can be found on her university page: Littleton, Tenesha – School of Social Work (ua.edu). Her research focuses on how socio-structural factors impact parenting behaviors and experiences, including the risk of contact with child protective services. Dr. Littleton also examines the role of social policy in mitigating or exacerbating the risk of child maltreatment.
While a T32, she worked with primary mentor Sarah Font in the Policy and Administrative Data Systems Track on research projects exploring disparities associated with child welfare system involvement. They are currently examining discipline disparities in school experiences among a cohort of children investigated for child maltreatment and with secondary mentor Yo Jackson in the Prevention and Treatment track exploring factors associated with resilience among youth in foster care, including spirituality and placement stability.