Innovative Methods in Child Maltreatment Research
Submit abstracts for poster presentations to Chad Shenk by JUNE 15
The Pennsylvania State University Child Maltreatment Solutions Network is holding its annual conference on
SEPTEMBER 2-3, 2021
Four awards of $250 each will be given to the best posters/studies
Travel awards will be available to students who qualify
We are seeking proposals for poster presentations on the following topics…
Innovative ways to improve the detection of child maltreatment and its risk for adverse health
• Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
- Research partnering with child protective services agencies to enhance detection
- Projects evaluating risk for adverse health prospectively vs. retrospectively
- Distinguishing child maltreatment from other adversities and its unique risk for outcomes
Innovative ways to identify the pathways to adverse health or resilience following child maltreatment
• Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
- Mechanistic research with different levels of analysis (e.g. biology, behavior, family)
- Projects testing multiple mediators of resilience and adverse health outcomes
- Longitudinal, time-intensive methods (e.g. ecological momentary assessments)
Innovative approaches for improving preventive and clinical interventions
• Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
- Strategies that improve the effectiveness or dissemination of existing treatments
- Prevention approaches linked to reductions in child maltreatment risk or prevalence
- Ways to deliver interventions more quickly or in different settings
This conference is devoted to presenting innovation in child maltreatment research methods, so it is important that poster presentations focus on what is innovative and how innovative is defined
Those interested should prepare a 300-word abstract that details the objectives, methods, and results of their study.
Send this to Chad Shenk by JUNE 15, 2021