Child Sexual Abuse Conference: Traumatic Impact, Prevention, and Intervention
About Program Content:
Kate Staley, PhDJustice Center for ResearchThe Pennsylvania State University327 Pond BuildingUniversity Park PA 16802Phone: 814-867-3292Email:
Doris MacKenzie, PhDDirector, Justice Center for ResearchThe Pennsylvania State University327 Pond BuildingUniversity Park PA 16802Phone: 814-867-3292Email:
About Registration:
Pamela A. Driftmier, Director of ConferencesThe Pennsylvania State University 225 The Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel University Park PA 16802 Phone: 814-863-5100 Email:
Ask a Question
The experts speaking at both the Sunday event and the conference itself are accepting questions from the public. You may submit your questions via email or Twitter.
Via email: send one question per email, using the subject line "Question for Sunday forum" or "Question for CSA Conference" plus the specific topic or speaker name to which the question should be addressed, to
Via Twitter: tweet your questions to @JusticePSU and by using the hashtag #CSAC12.